Program Evaluation Case Study:

Data Sovereignty Boot Camps

Managing and understanding data

Atlas Executive Consulting provides program evaluation and data management services to companies serving tribal communities. One common challenge faced by these companies is the overwhelming task of collecting and processing data for community reports, especially in the natural resources department. As companies are usually small and turnover can be high, they often lack a system to manage their data and understand how to use it effectively.

To address this challenge, Atlas Executive Consulting offers Data Sovereignty Boot Camps, a six-week computational workshop designed to empower companies to retain institutional data sovereignty. Through this program, participants learn to program in R Studio using their own data, creating customized visualizations based on the metrics that matter most to their departments. With this training, companies can maintain control over their data and avoid outsourcing talent.

In addition to the workshops, Atlas Executive Consulting develops automated data protocols to ensure efficient and effective data management. As a result, companies experience less stress about data management, are more organized, and can share their data with tribal communities with greater ease.

Overall, Atlas Executive Consulting's Data Sovereignty Boot Camps provide companies serving tribal communities with the tools and skills necessary to manage their data in a way that promotes institutional data sovereignty, reduces stress, and enhances collaboration with tribal communities.


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